Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Idioms Curriculum Video


  1. Great video! I liked the short skits you used to demonstrate idioms. What a great way to show students what they "mean"!

  2. What a fun vid. You and the students really did a nice job. Looks like everyone was having a great time.

  3. I like the way you used the kids and picture examples from the story to tell about Idioms. I bet your classes for years to come will enjoy learning about this topic by watching your video. Nice work....

  4. FABULOUS! Your video is super cute and is an excellent teaching tool on idioms. I really like how you explained the topic, included student made skits, and showed the finished work. The text before the skits explaining the idioms was very helpful and helped frame the skit we were about to see. The skits were so FUN! They made me laugh. I am sure this will be a fantastic way for students to remember what an idiom is and what different idioms mean.
